Latest News & Releases

Transport minister visits Buckinghamshire coach operator

June 25 2021

On Thursday 24 June Transport Minister Baroness Vere visited Masons Coaches in Buckinghamshire to hear how the UK Government can help back Britain’s coaches as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Debate in the Welsh Parliament on bus services

June 23 2021

CPT Cymru Director Joshua Miles comments on the debate on bus services in Welsh Parliament.

Every forward-facing seat on buses now able to be used in Wales

June 21 2021

In response to an increased demand to travel following the easing government restrictions, from Monday 21st June it will be possible to use every forward facing seats on buses in Wales.

Pro-public transport message is vital to clean up the air we breathe says CPT

June 17 2021

This Clean Air Day (Thursday 17 June) the Confederation of Passenger Transport is calling on government to use a pro-public transport message that encourages people back on board buses and coaches to help improve air quality.

Confederation of Passenger Transport reacts to delay of lockdown easing in England

June 14 2021

CPT's Chief Executive Graham Vidler reacts to the Prime Minister confirming a delay to England lockdown easing.

Every forward facing seat on coaches now able to be used

May 27 2021

In response to an increased demand to travel following the easing government restrictions, it is now possible to use every forward facing seats on coaches in England.

Campaign for Better Transport launches 'The Way Forward'

May 19 2021

CPT's Head of Policy Alison Edwards has reacted to the launch of 'The Way Forward', Campaign for Better Transport's national campaign to help people get back on board public transport.

Every forward facing seat on buses now able to be used

May 17 2021

In response to an increased demand to travel following the easing government restrictions, from Monday 17 May it will be possible to use every forward facing seats on buses in England.

Free coach parking announced in Blackpool

May 11 2021

CPT has reacted to the announcement made during a CPT Live event that coach parking in Blackpool will be free until January 2022, up to a maximum of 72 hours.