Latest News & Releases

National Concessionary Bus Travel for Apprentices Executive Summary

March 12 2014

A new report from Greener Journeys calls on Government to adopt a concessionary scheme for apprentices to assist with the cost of getting to work by bus.

Tax Incentives for Bus Commuters Executive Summary

January 30 2014

A new Greener Journeys report outlines how the ‘Bus Bonus’ – a proposed tax incentive to encourage people to commute by bus – would benefit hard-working commuters, businesses as well as the economy more widely.

Buses and the Economy II: A survey of expenditure of visitors to city and town centres

January 07 2014

New Greener Journeys research, conducted by the University of Leeds, profiles spending in town / city centres and retail parks, investigating links between expenditure and accessibility.

Buses and the Economy II: Survey of Bus use amongst the Unemployed

September 10 2013

New Greener Journeys research, conducted by the University of Leeds, examines the use, accessibility, role and perception of buses amongst a sample of unemployed taken from a number of large British cities outside of London.

Campaign for Better Transport: A better deal for the bus from the Spending Review

June 03 2013

The upcoming Spending Review is an opportunity to rectify imbalances in the treatment of bus passengers.

Developing new behaviour change tools to increase bus use: An evaluation of the Greener Journeys Behaviour Change Lab

June 03 2013

The behaviour change lab confronts a fundamental challenge for Greener Journeys and the bus industry at large: what are the practical on the ground methods of getting people out of their cars and onto buses.

Bus for Jobs: Report on the Bus for Jobs scheme

April 03 2013

The Bus for Jobs scheme that ran in January 2013 enabled tens of thousands of unemployed people to travel for free by bus in order to access jobs and training.

Greener Journeys Behaviour Change Lab Brochure

March 06 2013

Greener Journeys has launched its Behaviour Change Lab which comprises four pilot schemes each with its own twist on enticing people out of their cars and onto buses:

A5 summary of stats on bus business case

December 14 2012

Greener Journeys has summarised its killer statistics and arguments into a handy, free, pocket-size A5 leaflet.