December 06 2016
In this publication, Greener Journeys reveals the findings of the consultation on the creation of a Transport Knowledge Hub to support Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) with growth initiatives.
The purpose of this new Hub will be to provide LEPs with the tools and information they need to make transport capital investments which will drive local economic growth and jobs.
The response to the consultation, led by KPMG for Greener Journeys, was very positive, with respondents demonstrating a real appetite for a Knowledge Hub of this kind.
They called for a Hub that will serve as a community as well as an access point for information, with a specific emphasis on the need for case studies and best practice guidance on all aspects of the infrastructure delivery cycle.
To be successful, respondents said the Hub should address the needs of local decision makers; provide up-to-date and reliable information; obtain contributions from its target audience (LEPs and local transport scheme promoters) and achieve public recognition.