July 14 2020
The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) has launched a database to help unlock temporary and permanent work opportunities for employees across the bus and coach industry.
As bus services are ramped-up further over the coming months in line with government guidance, it is likely that many operators will need to add to their workforce in order to maintain a full network of services. At the same time coach operators will be reviewing workloads and future bookings to see how much work they will have to offer their drivers when they return from furloughed leave. This current situation presents an opportunity for CPT members to collaborate with one another to plug any gaps, keep services running, and ease financial pressures facing some sections of the industry.
A database has been compiled with information provided by CPT members about driver and engineering vacancies, and details of operators with staff that have capacity to work. The database is accessible on the CPT website and operators will be able to liaise with one another to arrange working partnerships and opportunities for their employees.
CPT Member & Membership Services Director Chris Nice said “as bus services and passenger numbers begin to increase as social distancing measures are relaxed, CPT recognises that there may be bus operators requiring additional drivers and engineers to meet this increased demand. In the face of cancellations and a huge downturn in future bookings, coach operators may have employees returning from furloughed leave with limited opportunities for work at this moment in time. The database that CPT has created in collaboration with operators will open up working opportunities to help the bus and coach industries as we return to normality.”
The database of driver and engineer vacancies and availabilities can be found at www.cpt-uk.org If you are a business looking for drivers or engineers, or an operator who has a spare allocation of staff, you can get your details added to this database by contacting membership@cpt-uk.org