August 11 2023

Earlier in the year, we updated you on the publication of our industry report on 2022 costs. The report for February 2023 is available.  This highlights very high levels of industry inflation between February 2022 and February this year – overall costs were up by 17% in Great Britain outside London based on the data we received.  Hopefully, the industry can use this data in discussions & negotiations regarding funding, service levels and inflationary increases on contract prices.

Download the CPT Cost Monitor here.

The full report – available to members who contributed data and the CPT team for use in our lobbying work – contains a wealth of information about industry costs.  There are over 50 pages of analysis, although it is set out in sections and much of the data is presented in tables and charts to make it easily digestible.  Data was contributed by operators with a peak vehicle requirement of over 20,000 so it is highly representative.  The report breaks down industry costs, examines operating costs per hour & kilometre, and analyses movements over time.  It also presents a range of KPIs covering service provision, fleet utilisation, fuel consumption, and staff productivity.

Those who contributed 2023 data will be receiving a copy of the full report.  We shall be opening up the database for June 2023 data shortly and if you would like to contribute and get access to these reports, please contact

A shorter report is available to all members, as well as local authorities and other stakeholders; this is available here.  This looks at cost movements over time and will be useful in helping local authorities and others to identify appropriate increases in payments to operators.