October 23 2023
DfT has launched a call for evidence into the zero emission infrastructure required for HGVs and coaches. The call for evidence seeks to gather information on the current and future supply uptake and use of zero emission HGVs and coaches across the UK and their refuelling and recharging requirements. The department recognises that coaches face similar decarbonisation challenges to HGVs and is keen to understand where there are opportunities for strategic alignment of infrastructure to support both sectors.
CPT is delighted to see the ambition and work of our Zero Emission Coach Taskforce (ZECT) recognised in this document, a robust and reliable network of zero emission infrastructure is going to be crucial for the decarbonisation of our coaches. This was one of the key asks of our taskforce, outlined in our "Coach Route to Destination Zero" report launched earlier this year, and we are thrilled to see the DfT has taken our recommendations on board and recognised the importance of a collaborative strategy. CPT will draft a response with members of ZECT and Coach Commission.
You can read more about the call for evidence here. The DfT also want to ensure they engage with as many stakeholders as possible and we are in the process of arranging briefing sessions to ensure everyone’s views are captured. CPT will update members as details become available.
If you are interested in the work of CPTs Zero Emission Coach Taskforce, please don’t hesitate to contact Rebecca Kite.