February 19 2024
CPT's CEO Graham Vidler will be a guest speaker at the Transport after the General Election conference hosted by Transport Times in London on the 23rd May.
Devolution of transport powers across rail and bus are seen as vital for creating the favourable conditions for achieving affordable, joined-up public transport networks to provide viable alternatives to private cars. How high a priority will further devolution of powers be so that City Regions can plan and deliver these crucial transport networks and services and achieve behavioural change?
Graham will join the panel which will be chaired by Chelsea Dosad, Director, Infrastructure & Government, KPMG. Fellow panelists include:
- Vernon Everitt, Transport Commissioner for Greater Manchester
- Claire Mann, Chief Operating Officer, TfL (invited)
- Anne Shaw OBE, Executive Director, Transport for West Midlands
- Simon Warburton, Executive Director, West Yorkshire Combined Authority
For more information on how to book visit the official website.